One of the things I hope to do this year is to talk to students about public history. How do we represent the past to people in the present? How do we find a job with a history major? What kinds of opportunities are out there? These are all questions we should talk about. I’m… Read More
Junior I.S. Workshop: Getting Started, Getting Organized
The first session of the fall Junior I.S. Workshops is this Thursday, September 16 at 11:00 am in Kauke 137. Dr. Hettinger, Dr. Shaya, and Dr. Loomis will lead a session on “Getting Started, Getting Organized, and Getting a Topic that Works.” Please come prepared with notebook and pen, as well as your notes on… Read More
Great Mohican Pow-Wow
Saturday, September 18th, Proyecto Latino and the Office of Multi-ethnic Student Affairs (OMSA) are co-sponsoring a trip to the Great Mohican Pow-Wow at Mohican State Park. Please sign up at Lowry Front Desk no later than noon on Friday, September 17th. The 48 passenger bus will depart from campus in front of Babcock Hall. Please… Read More
Wayne County Fair Opens Tomorrow!
The 161st Wayne County Fair opens tomorrow at the fairgrounds just west of downtown. Here is your chance to sample Ohio’s #1 agricultural fair. There will be shuttles running all day from Lowry Circle. The Fair runs from Saturday to Thursday. Some of the highlights that you won’t want to miss: the horse pull –… Read More
Copeland Fund for I.S. Research
We would like to encourage you to think about applying for Copeland Funding to support the work of your I.S. We know that you are eager to start researching and writing your topics, and this support can help you enrich your project. For Seniors, the deadline for Copeland funding applications is Friday, October 1 by… Read More
History Department Picnic
Phi Alpha Theta and the Department of History will hold a picnic on Thursday, September 16th from 4 to 7 pm in the Bornhuetter Pavilion. All History Majors and students interested in History are welcome.
Model United Nations
The first meeting of the Model United Nations team is Tuesday September 7 at 5:30pm in Lowry 119. This fall the team will be attending the American Model United Nations competition in Chicago, representing Colombia and Jamaica. The team starts fresh each semester, and no experience is necessary, so all are welcome to attend the… Read More
Required Meeting of All History Majors This Thursday
Welcome back to the History Department! There will be a required meeting of all History majors, including I.R. (History) majors, C.A.S. (History) majors, and double majors on Thursday, September 2, 2010, at 11:00 am in Scovel 105. We will introduce the faculty, distribute the I.S. Handbook, collect your I.S. Questionnaires, and share some essential information… Read More
Welcome Back (And Welcome to the New History Blog)!
On behalf of the faculty, I want to welcome our students back to campus. For those of you who are starting Senior I.S. this fall: a fun-filled intellectual adventure awaits you. (Think: Lord of the Rings but with more reading and note-taking). For new History majors: we look forward to meeting you. You’ll notice a… Read More