Cafe Bob

The first Cafe Bob is this Thursday at 11 in Kauke 137. We are
starting with a roundtable about the I.S., entitled “The Senior I.S.:
From Topic to Thesis.” Jeanette Coledrige and Audrey Hudak will be
leading it. They are going to talk about their research briefly, but
then will focus on what is going right and what problems they are
having in their topics. We are then going to open it up for a general
conversation about where we are in our I.S. projects right now. For
seniors and for juniors who are doing their I.S. this fall, this is
essential attending, but if you are a junior doing a spring I.S. or
earlier in the program, you can learn super valuable lessons and tips.

So come support your I.S. comrades in their efforts. We hope to see you there for the first of an exciting year of Cafe Bob
sessions! Note as well that there will be tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.

Prof. Loomis & Prof. Edgington