Second Junior I.S. Workshop

From Topic to Argument, From Reading to Writing

Session led by Katie Holt, Ibra Sene, & Marc Goulding

Thursday, September 23 at 11 am in Kauke 137

These meetings are required for all students enrolled in Junior IS (History 401) in the Fall Semester.  However, all history majors are invited to attend.

Please familiarize yourself with Zotero before the meeting.  Read this handout “How to use Zotero for your IS research” on using Zotero to organize your research, keep track of sources, take searchable notes, and easily pull Chicago style citations into your thesis.

[youtube hLi3ZhUQDhs]

Remember to bring your Junior I.S. Proposals: For the Second Session, students are required to bring to the meeting—and formally submit—a research proposal including: 1. Title; 2. Statement of Intent (the topic & its significance); 3. Statement of What You Hope to Show; and 4. A Working Bibliography (that includes at least one primary source and eight secondary sources).