Study Abroad

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History major Elyse Echegaray '20 is currently studying in Buenos Aires, Argentina as part of the IES Latin American Societies and Cultures program. While abroad, she is studying Spanish, contemporary Argentine history, cross-cultural psychology, and comparative politics. In addition, she is doing an internship with the Museo de la Inmigración, a museum dedicated to the history of immigration in Argentina. She adds, "Argentina's such a huge country that all the provinces are different and unique. The country is so ethnically and culturally diverse because of its history of immigration that everywhere you go feels completely different and new. I hope that when I come back to Wooster I can use the new skills and concepts I’ve learned here from all the different classes I’ve taken. Being abroad has made me a more informed global citizen and that I’ll be able to integrate and use everything I’ve learned as part of my I.S."

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History major Savanna Hitlan '20 is currently studying in Edinburgh, Scotland through Arcadia University. While abroad, she is taking courses about history and culture such as Gender Identities in Britain during the Two World Wars, The Making of Modern Ireland: Politics and Society from 1789-present day, and Conceptualizing Scotland. When reflecting on her classes, she adds "I think one skill that I will bring back to the U.S. is that with these classes I'm taking, they all look towards culture during a specific time period to develop an historiography about their particular studies. I believe that the cultural aspect is severely underrated in the U.S. so now I can bring this idea back with me and sort of make it more known."

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