Please join the History Department’s roundtable Cafe Bob Thursday, March 8 at 11:00am in Kauke Tower for the last of the Senior I.S. presentations! We will hear from two seniors with fascinating senior projects:
Jack Anderson, “New Jersey’s Frelinghuysen Family”
Ever since the early days of American History and continuing through the present, members of New Jersey’s Frelinghuysen family have played a prominent role in the American political, religious and cultural history. Some of the highlights of the Frelinghuysen family include four senators, two members of the House of Representatives, a Vice Presidential candidate, a Secretary of State, a prominent Religious figure head and a prominent early General. Collectively, the themes of Christianity, Patriotism and political wisdom have been dominant through the family’s history.
Kristen Weischedel, “Je voulais être homme, rien qu’homme”
The negritude movement of the 1930s was a political and social movement that sought to reclaim African identity and culture whilst rejecting the French expectation of assimilation. This presentation examines recruitment methods and political and social activism using masculinity and communism as a lens to view these movements.
Coffee and tea will be provided, along with Professor Roche’s “more is more” approach to cookie arrangement.
Thank you for your attendance and participation in past Cafe Bob presentations. Please look out for future Cafe Bobs after Spring Break!